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Rock A combination of minerals, usually containing one or more of htese elements: Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium
Mineral solid, inorganic, naturally occurring substances with a specific chemical formula and general structure.
Rock Cycle The process by which rock changes from one type to another
Magma molten material inside the volcano, and deep beneath the Earth's crust
Lava molten material running out of the volcano
Crust Outer most layer of the Earth
Mantle Layer of the Earth just beneath the crust
Metamorphic Rock Rock formed by heat and pressure, usually deep beneath the Earth's surface, although hot lava can form "contact metamorphic rock."
Sedimentary Rock Rock formed by weathered and eroded material. Also from fossils or other dead organic material.
Igneous Rock Rock formed by molten rock,such as magma or lava. Magma and lava are essentially the same, they are called so by where they are located and not really what they are made of.
Intrusive Igneous Rock Rock formed by magma cooling inside the volcano or magma chamber.
Extrusive Igneous Rock Rock formed by lava cooling on the surface of the Earth, outside the volcano.
Clastic Sedimentary Rock Rock formed by weathered debris.
Chemical Sedimentary Rock Rock formed by chemicals dissolved in solution
Organic Sedimentary Rock Rock formed by the accumulation of plant or animal debris
Foliated Metamorphic Rock Rock formed by heat and extreme pressure resulting in bands or layers

Nonfoliated Metamorphic Rock Rock formed by heatr and pressure that do not have bands or layers.

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